Karola Sakotnik

...behind the scenes and beyond

Being Different

A challenging life and a severe illness led me in my mid 30ties, in the middle of a rising artistic career to explore new ways of creating impact. Shortly later I was the leader of 350 people.

The need to repeatedly reinvent myself, even changing professions while buildung on previous experiences, helped me on my path to become leadership expert and edutainer. I thrive to incorporate what I did master. Challenges that were “precious experiences”: Working both with bad and excellent  leaders and reflecting my own leadership successes and failures. This was and is a continuing valuable experience to learn and gather experience in my fields.

Digital und Human

My genuine curiosity and ability to think creatively, to understand complex situations and to throw prejudices overboard have now led to my expertise of bridging worlds. I facilitate understanding, exchange and creating new connections between people, in business, education and arts. Supporting you to access approaches of various creative and cultural thinking models and techniques of performing artists.

Making cultures visible and “cultivating” what is valuable in them. That is why I developed Future Skills Farming.

I dedicate myself to inspire

I am all about inspiring experienced, starting, and future leaders of both worlds to cultivating a human work (and thus life) culture. It is my  conviction that this will have a positive impact on the fast-transforming world of today.

I love to explore with you

The Topics – New Leadership | Culture | Mindset | Creativity

  • How to activate people
  • How to establish good cooperation
  • How to evolve trust out of  differing opinions
  • How to create fields from which new ideas can emerge

We will take it step-by-step

The prototype path of a cooperation:

  • Getting to know each other
  • First work package
  • Evaluation
  • What happens next?
  • Next work Package
  • Common strategy

I like to keep it Simple

We work together live or online, as needed. Blended learning, hybrid options and the value of genuine encounter.

Your Growth. My Mission.

I Believe In Dedicated Work And Passion

A journey to humanity with the unleashed desire to bring great things onto stage.

Defining the framework, using time realistically and going about it with joy. No postponing just simply do it. Go-live, whatever you want to achieve, do it. Explore, curious and passionate, reflect, improve.

Meet my amasing (and challenging) experiences

Experience, gathered on a path of development

“I couldn´t do without”

My expertise is based on both experience and education. I gathered many years of international experience as the artistic director and manager in large corporations like of Hapag Lloyd Cruises and AIDA cruises and a successful career as an actress, director, singer at Opera, Next Liberty Graz and traveling Europe f.e. performing at the Casino Estoril and Red-Nose clown in the field of humour and trauma work. I studied in the Italian part of Switzerland, the US and Austria, namely earned a diploma as theatre creator and physical comedian, hold a master’s in media management, an MBA in International Culture Management, studied linguistics, communication, translation science, I am a trained resonance facilitator and a certified business coach plus an embodiment and voice trainer.


Buch und Workshop

The Curious Leader

Keynote Speaker

MS Deutschland

Artistic Director & Cruise Director

New Leadership Coaching und Training

Future Skills Farming

Stage Performer

Theatre, Musical Theatre

Future Prize

Vulkanland Innovation Prize 2020

Meaningful Conversations

Future Skills Farming

Organisational Development in Education

Steirisches Regionalmanagement Oststeiermark

Humour and Trauma

Artistic Director

Meet my Clients


Working well together means defining the task, clarifying the roles and keeping the agreements on both sides – my clients and I are keen to keep to this.

Do you want to grow your culture?

We can do it together

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